Hectic Electric ☀️ Windsor QLD | Solar Panels

Hectic Electric

When life gets hectic, call the experts in all things electric.

43 Reviews


Welcome to Hectic Electric, the brainchild of expert tradesman, Ryan Pearson, who brings to the table over a decade of experience working with the best in the building industry. Ryan founded Hectic Electric with a mission to deliver the highest quality service at reasonable prices, breaking away from the norm of 'highway robbery' rates. Specialising in general electrical work, solar installation, and air conditioning, Ryan's passion for his craft is unrivalled in Brisbane. He embodies a fervour for quality assurance and customer education, ensuring you will always receive top-tier, red-carpet treatment. Alongside his wife Sam, whom he fondly refers to as his 'high school sweetheart', their shared vision is to ele...

